
Okonomiyaki restaurant “LOPEZ”

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Okonomiyaki restaurant “LOPEZ”


Hi, I’m Hazuki, the owner of the hostel.
I went to okonomiyaki restaurant “LOPEZ” near Yokogawa Station today.

Actually, I have passed by the restaurant many times, but it was always crowded with people so I couldn’t go there until today.
Today, I checked the opening hours and got to the restaurant when it opens!!


A big bear wearing very flashy pants is the guide to the restaurant.

Let’s get in!


….What?  Why are they making more than 5 okonomiyaki already?

Are there any other customers other than me?  (There were 2 customers who ordered 4 to 5 okonomiyaki to go.  2 groups of customers came after me.)
The restaurant has high ratings.  Although the restaurant was just opened, there were already so many people!!!


Because it’s a restaurant owned by an owner from Central America, I ordered a unique okonomiyaki.

Chorizo!  (A spicy sausage)

I looked at the chorizo on a sizzling hot plate in front of me.  The chorizo was hot and spicy, which went well with beer.  I wanted to drink a shot of tequila, too.


“Niku tama soba (okonomiyaki with meat, egg and soba) topped with jalapeno (a hot green pepper, used especially in Mexican cooking) was ready to eat.

The egg was over easy.  (If you like over hard, don’t worry.  The egg will be over hard while you’re eating because it’s on the hot plate.)


The green thing topped with okonomiyaki is jalapeno.  Jalapenos soaked in a jar like pickles are hot and sour, which is very good.  It’s like a novel red pickled ginger.

Anyway, the hot plate is very hot.  I eat okonomiyaki from a hot plate in other restaurants, but the hot plate isn’t this hot.  Well, I think this hot plate goes beyond the limits of keeping okonomiyaki hot…  If you can’t eat hot food, let’s ask them to bring you an extra plate! (lol)

Don’t go there on Saturday or Sunday, because it’s closed!  Latins are likely to do it… (lol)

Address:  1-7-13 Kusunoki-cho Nishi-ku, Hiroshima

Open Monday-Friday from 16:30 to 23:00 (Last call at 22:30)
Open Tuesday and Friday from 11:30 to 14:00 (Last call at 13:45)


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