
Are you planning to travel around Japan for a while? Here are some tips for you!

Are you planning to travel around Japan for a while? Here are some tips for you! はコメントを受け付けていません

Are you planning to travel around Japan for a while? Here are some tips for you!

From staff Louise
Are you planning to travel around Japan for a while? Here are some tips for you!
– Plan ahead: I know, seems a bit strict but transportation will be one of the most important part of your budget. You do not have to plan all your trip ahead but I would advise to have a rough idea of where you want to go, to organize it as smart and cheap as possible.

– Express buses: if you have time, do not hesitate to use express buses to go from one city to another, it’s cheaper than Shinkansen or plane tickets. For the most adventurous, there are few night buses connecting big cities that are pretty cheap!

– Volunteering : plan it in avance, as there are lots of requeste but few opportunities. Volunteering will not only make you save accommodation money but it will also give you the opportunity to enjoy one place, and not only the touristy spots. If you can, choose a place where there are things to do! Usually, the minimum length in Japan would be 1 month, but you may find shorter stay. I would advise, to enjoy it at best, to alternate travel and volunteering for example: 2 weeks / 4 weeks.
Website example: workaway.info
– Cook local food: konbinis are useful but expensive compared to supermarket. Don’t be lazy and try local recipes! Imported products will always cost you more than local products and it will eventually be disappointing because it will not taste as good as home. Depending of how lomg you are staying in one plave, try to buy as much as transportable food. For example, ginger easily travels; miso is sometimes sold in pocket packaging making it simple to travel with. I will write an article about some ideas that are simple to make even in hostels.
– Make friends! First because it will make your journey more enjoyable 🙂 but it may help you save some money… Planning day trips together, renting a car, cooking together… Like we say: the more, the merrier!
– Come see us in Hiroshima! It’s the coolest place in Japan, you will not regret it! 
And you, what would you advise to new long travelers in Japan?


THE EVERGREEN HOSTELのオーナー・はづきです。 The owner of THE EVERGREEN HOSTEL.Thank you for reading our blog.