
Aisha’s dentist diary えいしゃの歯医者日記

Aisha’s dentist diary えいしゃの歯医者日記 はコメントを受け付けていません

Aisha’s dentist diary えいしゃの歯医者日記

Travel isnt always cuddling deer, eating good food and drinking cocktails though! Yesterday I faced my fears and went to the dentist! as we have working holiday visas we can enroll in the international health insurance scheme in Japan. This means that for any necessary dental work you only pay 30% of the fees! I needed a whole root canal which was SCARY – but the dentist and nurses were all really lovely and took great care of me – it definitley helped that the dentist was super handsome too! 😉 But the whole thing was SO much more afforable and so much nicer than at home – feeling super brave and that I should probably cut down on the number of ice creams i’m eating!

旅行は鹿と一緒に遊んで、美味しい食べ物を食べて、カクテルを飲むだけじゃないんです!昨日は怖かったけど歯医者に行ってきました。ワーキングホリデービザがあるので、日本の国民健康保険制度に加入できます。このおかげで必要な歯科治療の費用は30%しか払わなくて済むんです!私は根管治療が必要で、すごく怖かったけど、歯医者さんと看護師さんたちがとても親切で丁寧に対応してくれました。それに、歯医者さんがめちゃくちゃイケメンだったのも助かりました! 😉 でも、本当に家よりもずっとお手頃で快適。すごく勇気が湧いてきて、アイスクリームの量を減らさなきゃって思いました

Joining the National Health Insurance (NHI) in Japan is not automatic. When enrolling, you must complete the procedure within 14 days from your entry date, your date of moving in, or the date you lost eligibility for your previous health insurance (the day after your resignation). Please note that even if you delay the application, you will be required to pay insurance premiums retroactively from the date your eligibility began, so it’s important to complete the process as soon as possible.




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