
2回目の釜山 だらだらひとり歩き

2回目の釜山 だらだらひとり歩き はコメントを受け付けていません

2回目の釜山 だらだらひとり歩き



5000w Tmoneyカード代
5000w チャージ代
7000w ビビン麺( 沙上草梁ミルミョン
3000w アイスカフェラテ(copper coffee

うん、日本と物価変わりません\(^o^)/ 地下鉄は遠くまで乗っても安いけども。到着日以降は天気悪いらしいので、人生初のカジノしてみたいな〜なんて思いながらスタート。


日本はテクノロジー先進国と言われていましたが 実際のところ他の東南アジアの都市の方が進んでいると思うことが多くあります。 釜山ではバスで現金を使う人は0人です。おじいさんもおばあさんも全員がキャッシュレス決済を使っています。 釜山のバスでLED の行先表示板がついていないバスは1つもありません。 こういう細かい 一つ一つの積み重ねが海外からの旅行者のストレスを軽減することは確かです。 タイの都心でも同じことを感じたのですが、インバウンド客が増える日本も学ぶべきところが本当に多く、正直私達はたくさんの分野で遅れているなと感じました。

I found a pedestrian signal at my feet in Busan! I’m sure this is a warning to people who are walking and using smartphones (I checked it and it was so *). What an idea~ Amazing. *The city of Seoul introduced LED lights in some districts in 2019 due to concerns that smartphone users could cause traffic accidents without looking up at pedestrian crossings.

Japan was said to be a technologically advanced country, but in reality, I often think that other Asian cities are more advanced. 0 people use cash on buses in Busan. All the older generations are using cashless payment. There is not a single bus in Busan that does not have an LED destination display board. It is certain that these little details will reduce the stress of travelers from overseas. I felt the same thing in the city center of Thailand, there are so many things for Japan to learn , where inbound tourists are increasing, and I honestly felt that we were behind in many fields.


べらぼうに運転の荒いおばちゃんドライバーのバスに乗って着きました。海沿いのお寺は曇天でも荘厳で良いです。そもそもバス停からここの寺にくるのもかなり上りますし、いざ寺の敷地についたあともアップダウンありでかなり歩きます。食べ歩きのあとのダイエットにちょうどいいですね。※子連れの場合はバス停から入口までタクシーつかったほうがいいかも This is a temple I arrived at on a bus roughly driven by a middle-aged lady driver. The seaside temple has a solemn atmosphere even on a cloudy day. There are ups and downs, and quite a bit of walking required. It’s so much exercise, it could be a weight loss program!

I overheard some tourists chatting and it turns out that early May is the birthday of Buddha in the lunar calendar, so in Korea, they decorate the major streets and temples in Busan with colorful and beautiful paper lanterns to commemorate the occasion! That’s why there were so many decorations at the Haedong Yonggungsa Temple. I came at a wonderful season.

I was interested because I saw on YouTube that the Busan hotteok contains chopped nuts and is filling. I didn’t eat anything from the morning and I even took a walk around Gamcheon Culture Village, so I was hungry and it was sooooo delicious! I was able to buy freshly fried in about 3-5 minutes lined up. Calories look great, but I don’t care!

「甘川文化村」にも行ってみました。2009年から町おこしが行なわれ、現在美しい街並みが眺められる人気の観光名所になったそうです。もとは朝鮮戦争の際に北朝鮮から避難してきた人々が家を密集して建てた山肌の集落です。自主的にカラフルな家にしたのでしょうか?ふもとのバス停から徒歩できたわたしは脚が死にました。。。Since 2009, efforts have been made to revitalize the area, and it has now become a popular tourist destination with beautiful streetscapes. Gamcheon Culture Village was originally a cluster of houses built into the side of a mountain by people who had fled from North Korea during the Korean War. Did they voluntarily make their houses colorful? My legs are dead from walking there on foot from the bus stop at the foot of the mountain.


2日目以降は本当に雨風がすごくて寒かった…海からのかぜが直接吹き付けるんですよね。なので人生初のカジノも2か所いきました。撮影禁止でしたのでなんの痕跡もないですが… 1日目は勝ち、2日目は負けましたw






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