
Hanoi, Vietnam 2023年2回目の旅。

Hanoi, Vietnam 2023年2回目の旅。 はコメントを受け付けていません

Hanoi, Vietnam 2023年2回目の旅。

Hanoi, Vietnam 2023年2回目の旅。


1月 バンコク近郊
3月 ハノイ(ベトナム)
5月 釜山(韓国)
8月 チェンライ(タイ)

昔ホーチミンにはいったことがありましたが、ハノイは初めて。ハノイはベトナムの首都で、ホーチミンはベトナム最大の都市です。たしかにハノイは落ち着いた雰囲気や情緒があって、官公庁のような建物がとても多い。 ※落ち着いているとはいってもけたたましいクラクションとおびただしい数のバイクだけ見ると落ち着いてはいないw I had been to Ho Chi Minh before, but this was my first time in Hanoi. Hanoi is the capital of Vietnam and Ho Chi Minh is the largest city in Vietnam. It

is true that Hanoi has a calm atmosphere and atmosphere, and there are many buildings that look like government offices. *Even though it’s calm, when you look at the loud horns and the numerous bikes, it’s not calm lol



ハノイには街のあちらこちらに超素敵なカフェがありまくりで一日カフェイン漬けになりたくなっちゃう人も多いと思います。 路地裏の小さなカフェ、フォトジェニックなカフェ・・・なんだろう、なんでこんなおしゃれなんすか??カメラをしまえないまま1日が終わる感じ。



Hanoi, the capital of Vietnam, is the political and economic center, but it is also a very attractive city for sightseeing, including Hoan Kiem Lake and the Old Quarter. I was surprised that unlike Thailand, there were almost no stray dogs.

Large-scale road construction, new residential areas, and large shopping centers are also being constructed. To be honest, I personally thought that the prices were not as cheap as I had imagined. Coffee at the cafe costs 200 to 500 yen. banh mi in old town is 140 to 250 yen. Massages cost 1300-1800 yen for an hour (twice as much as in Thailand). Maybe I’m just too used to Thailand’s rural prices? lol





Came to Halong Bay! A bay in northeastern Vietnam known for its numerous limestone islands. It is a world heritage site. There are tourists from various countries and that is also very interesting to me.

To get to the top of Ti Top Island, I climbed 400 steps and my legs were so tired…




There are tourists from various countries and that is also very interesting to me. I thought it was wonderful that the 4-year-old and 7-year-old Russian boys finished all the tour menu on their own feet including many climbing up and down.

Son Sot Cave is a truly gigantic cave first discovered by French explorers in 1901. I was overwhelmed and again I had to climb up and down quite a few stairs. Mor

eover, the lunch we received on the boat was a healthy meal with plenty of vegetables that would not make you gain weight. Perhaps the Halong Bay tour may be perfect for dieting ❤️❤️❤️


路上飲み屋でベトナムビール人が多く活気に満ちている!旧市街で一番盛上がる通りみたい。 お風呂で使うみたいなプラスチックの小さな椅子に座っると、どこからともなく店員が注文を取りにやって来ます 幸せな人生すぎる… Vietnamese beer at a “street bar” people are full of energy! It seems to be the busiest street in the old town. When you sit on a small plastic chair that looks like you would use in a bath, a staff comes out of nowhere to take your order too happy life

個人旅には個人旅の良さが、 ツアーにはツアーの良さがあるな… ハロン湾を気兼ねなく楽しむため、今回久しぶりに添乗員付きの現地ツアーに参加しましたが、とてもリラックスできて、なんの心配もしなくてよくて、楽しむことに集中できました。 世界遺産登録された絶景はもとより、めちゃめちゃ英語が上手くて、元気ハツラツとしてて、常時明るい笑顔のエネルギッシュな女性ガイドさんの仕事への情熱に心を打たれたな…いい旅。 他人をインスパイアする素敵な人との出会いは、時に観光そのものよりもずっと大切です。これは自分がホステルを立ち上げたきっかけでもありますし、改めて忘れたくないことだと思いました。 Both individual travel and conducted tour has it’s strength. It’s been a long time since I’ve taken tour. In addition to the superb view that is registered as a World Heritage Site, I was struck by the passion for the work of the energetic female guide who speaks English perfectly, is always cheerful, and always has a bright smile…a great trip. Meeting wonderful people who inspire others is sometimes much more important than the tourism itself. This is also the reason why I started the hostel, and I thought that I would never forget it.

ちなみにツアーの予約はインターネットでしました。GetYourGuide というサイトをつかいました。ベトナム人男性の添乗員さんの英語すごく上手でほぼパーフェクトに理解することができて、わたしはこれも相当嬉しかったです。たぶん昔だったらここまでついていけてないと思うし、彼の言ったジョークに笑えることもなかったと思うw (他にも日本人ちょっといたのですがノーリアクションでした)




THE EVERGREEN HOSTELのオーナー・はづきです。 The owner of THE EVERGREEN HOSTEL.Thank you for reading our blog.