Hi, I’m Hazuki, the owner of a hostel in Hiroshima, Japan.
We are now looking for one sociable person who help us to make a good friendly vibe in my place for our guests in following period;
-Arrival after 10/May/2020
-Departure Open (at least 5 weeks)
It is a bit far from now, but if you get interested in our place, please feel free to text me after reading job details written in my profile. Any questions welcomed.
By owner, Hazz (hazz0827@gmail.com I’d appreciate direct email!)
Please check our property’s page first; https://www.workaway.info/312481239717-en.html
■Please note;
1) We organise our working schedule at least two months prior, so we usually cannot accept last minute person.
2) Minimum stay should be 5 weeks at least.
3) Arranged dates of your stay can be very far from now, so we consider the communication through smooth messaging is quite important.
■ We are looking for someone…
*️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️who is friendly with natural SMILES
(The most important thing is to show your genuine hospitality to every single guests. )
*️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️who has an attitude to learn basic Japanese
(We will teach you how to deal with Japanese check in, of course! Let’s practice together.)
*️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️who is always tidy and clean
■ Minimum period
From 5 weeks at least, up to 12 weeks.
*️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️Longer term or working holiday visa holders are preferred.
*️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️We try to make days off consecutive so that you can make a small trip during your stay.
■ Help needed:Cleaning and Reception
Hours: 11:00-17:00
Mainly focusing on the cleaning, bed making and reception.(about 3 hour break)
Always other staff is in a hostel and we’ll help you.
We provide a bed in our dorm and food money 1,000 yen per day, rice and basic seasonings in our shared kitchen, in stead of making meals for you. This food money is provided even for your days off in between the first and the last working day. There’s a 24-hours open supermarket near our hostel (only 3 minutes on foot).
You can use unlimited internet for free. We also have a bike only for staffs.
One bath towel per a week. Two cups of tea or coffee per day.

条件 | 性別・年齢・国籍・経験不問。いつもみずみずしい“EVERGREEN”な方! ※英会話できる方 |
期間 | 長期の方は優遇。現在は2020年5月以降に住み込みスタッフとして【最低5週間】働いていただけるスタッフを募集中です!なお2019/12/26-2020/1/3はホステル全館冬季休業で、住み込みスタッフさんも泊まれませんのでご注意を。 |
勤務時間 | シフト制勤務(時間帯は応相談)。年末年始のおよそ1週間はホステル自体がお休みになります。 |
仕事内容 | ①日勤:11:00-17:00 ( チェックアウト時のお見送り、館内清掃、ベッドメイク、チェックイン対応、観光情報の提供など) ②夜勤:17:00 – 23:00 ( チェックイン対応、夜の消灯、緊急時の対応 ) チェックインは最大でも23:00ですが、早く全員到着した場合でも22:00まではラウンジ・フロントで待機し、必要に応じゲスト対応や戸締まり等をしていただきます。その後はフリーですが、基本的には必ず宿のなかで過ごしていただきます。日勤と夜勤を組み合わせられる方がベストです。 |
休み | 1週間に2日(MAX30時間/週) |
待遇 | ・勤務の対価として下記を提供いたします。 スタッフ用ベッド・水道光熱費・リネン・1日1000円の食事手当(合計 5,000円/日相当) ✪直接現金でお渡しするのは日数×1,000円の食事手当となります✪・勤務時間外は自由。業務に支障がなければ、他のアルバイトや通学等は自由。文教大学、安田女子大学、広島経済大学など、大学生もこれまで多数在籍しました。 |