
秋祭り 10/15-16

秋祭り 10/15-16 はコメントを受け付けていません

秋祭り 10/15-16

Today I found a small fryer near the hostel, which says there’s an autumn festival on 15th,16th October at Sorasa Shrine, only 4 minutes from hostel.
I’d like to share this information with you!
1)神楽のステージ 10/15 18:00、10/16 17:30
Kagura Performance: 18:00 on 15th & 17:30 on 16th
Kagura is a Shinto theatrical dance based on some stories, performed by dancers, who dressed in gorgeous costumes and expressive masks, sometimes with smokes! I was so impressed when I first watched this.
2)小さいバザー Flea Markets: 15:30-17:00 on 15th
Very small one…
3)出店もちょっと出ます “Demise”
At the Japanese festival, there are rows of stalls called “Demise”.
You can buy your favorite food from a food stall, then enjoy it while walking around.

Do not miss the chance and enjoy the local Japanese traditional culture!


THE EVERGREEN HOSTELのオーナー・はづきです。 The owner of THE EVERGREEN HOSTEL.Thank you for reading our blog.